Ensuring Your Safety

As essential service providers, our physiotherapists have continued providing care to all clients in the safety of their own homes.

Below is an outline of the measures we are taking:

  • Each physiotherapist will perform a daily self-assessment for any symptoms of Covid-19.

  • A physiotherapist must be asymptomatic, have no fever and have had no known contact with known Covid positve persons.

  • Each physiotherapist must thoroughly wash their hands upon arriving, and before leaving the residence.

Here are the requests that we have of you:

  • Please ensure you are feeling well and are asymptomatic before your physiotherapist arrives.  If you need to cancel an appointment, please give us 24 hours’ notice, if at all possible.  Contact your physiotherapist directly (or call the office at 204-261-8735).

  • If you are in doubt about how well you feel, please cancel your appointment.  The option to have a video appointment is available and keeps everyone safe.

  • Please wash your hands before seeing the physiotherapist, or use hand sanitizer.

  • Please make available a clean area for the physiotherapist to wash her hands and have paper towel available for drying.

  • Please keep other visitors and family members to a minimum during the physiotherapy appointment.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding as we ensure safety for all our staff and clients.

Tele Rehab

HTS Home Therapy Services is pleased to offer Secure Video Physiotherapy

Click here to learn more